Pdata- the Perfect Opportunity for Business Innovation

In this piece I will be illustrating scenario in which Pdata can be useful.
 Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash 
Superlink Ltd is a telecommunication company looking to establish in the Nigeria telecommunication industry. Superlink Ltd having done a market survey finds out that the network connection in the country is poor and consumers find it hard to connect to the internet at the convenience of their room. Despite the poor connection, present telecommunication companies charge a lot for data subscription. Superlink Ltd wants create competition in the industry by providing customers with fast connection at a relatively low rate. 
The major shortcoming Superlink Ltd is confronted with is acquisition of personal data about the data usage of customers in the country in order to aid the planning process. The manager proposed the use of questionnaires to acquire such data, but it was discarded by the board considering the stress and cost associated with such process. 
The sales manager also proposed that, the data should be purchased from the data brokers. Though it sounded like a good idea until it was opposed by another member of the board which stated that the accuracy of the data might be low and will lead to wrong conclusion, which may have an adverse effect on the operation of the firm.
The discussion was not productive until the research and development manager, who is a technologically inclined young lady told the board about Opiria and how it could be of use in that scenario. She explained that Opiria is a decentralized market for the sales and acquisition of personal data. It is a market place where companies can get quick and easy access to high quality data by linking directly with the consumers. She further explained that Opiria is a platform that permits companies to have direct contact with the consumers in order to see their needs and get feedbacks or data that will aid innovative production.
The idea to use Opiria was approved by the board, as it was seen as the perfect means of getting the data the company desire. Superlink Ltd went ahead to acquire Pdata tokens in order to be able to purchase data from the consumers on the platform. This helped Superlink Ltd to plan their operation well, which turned out to be a success.
Opiria has not only helped Superlink Ltd acquire the data needed but has also helped to reduce the cost of acquisition. The management of Superlink Ltd is very happy to have used Opiria.

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Website: https://opiria.io/ 
