Hi guys. In this article I will be analyzing the internal and external factors that can make or break Opiria. These factors have positive side, that if we'll managed can give Opiria competitive advantage and also negative sides that have to be looked into in other not to be outgunned in the market.
The internal factors are the strength and weakness of Opiria, while the external factors are the opportunities available and threats that menace Opiria.

Strength is the positive internal attribute that gives a project an edge or competitive advantage.
The strength of Opiria is in it development, this is an already developed company that wants to integrate with the Blockchain to provide a decentralized data market for users and sellers of data. Also Opiria has it a working product with existing customers. This indicates the effort and struggles the team has committed to the success of this project. It is no longer just an idea, but has taken an huge step towards it establishment.
Weakness is the negative internal attribute that may affect the growth of a project if not well managed.
Though Opiria is an innovation in the personal data industry, but it is not without its own flaws. The weakness of Opiria is the absence of a rating or feedback mechanism. This will differential sellers with good reputation from the rest, and will also make the users/buyers confident that they are actually paying of the right data. Since Opiria will eliminate the existence of data-broker who sell wrong data collected from consumers that provide fake information to companies, there should be a way of verifying the authenticity of data sold be the consumers.
Opiria is leveraging the Blockchain to provide solution to the unsatisfied demand in the data brokerage industry. Data brokerage is a large business worth over $250 billion dollars. Considering the worth of this market, providing solutions to the inefficiency in the industry is an opportunity that shouldn't be missed.
The personal data owners are previously spammed and their privacy tampered on, without even getting any compensation for it. Opiria providing a platform that offers users privacy and compensation for the data they create freely will be pleasing to the users.
The threats posed to any Blockchain project is the possibility of competitors. Since there are no restrictions to entry in the Blockchain, competition might arrive for any project.
In short Opiria already has existing competitors both on-chain and off-chain. Project like Repux is also providing solutions in the data market, but there are values that distinguish Opiria from it. Opiria offers consumers privacy along with the ability to monetize their personal data which Repux doesn’t The Opiria team has to be abreast with the latest on the Blockchain and also be innovative enough to have an advantage over it competitors.
Official Contacts
Website: https://opiria.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/pdatatoken
My Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1633818
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